Tuesday 13 February 2018

Favourite Quotes #4

 The following quotes are what motivates, resonate with my perspective and values, gives me directions in life and generally some really good stuff to share. 

"I think late bloomers sometimes have the feeling that even after they’ve “made it” – whatever that means to them – that there’s the chance the rug could be pulled out from under them again. After they reach their goals they create new goals to focus on because they never want to stop actively working on their progress."

"There’s always an element of gratitude late bloomers feel towards the life they’ve created for themselves. They know how much longer it took them to get where they are, either because of past choices or circumstance, and they refuse to ever forget their journey." 

"We are still a work in progress. We're still young, after all. Meeting someone new means needing to explain stuff about yourself and your life: whether you love your career or dream of something else, if you close with your family, if you're generally happy with your situation. If you're not happy and want to make some changes, it can be picture yourself becoming a part of someone else's life." 

" By never making yourself vulnerable, you are automatically protected against rejection. But that type of security is nothing more than glorified loneliness. "

"All that pretending not to care led to many midnight bowls of cereal and very few dates, and it left me feeling deficient and scared, wondering how I'd ever learn to let down my guard and whether I would ever experience anything like true intimacy."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions frowning out your own inner voice. And, most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

"Passion is a feeling, it changes."

"Ideas get better if you give them a chance to develop."

"During a twenty-something crisis we often choose what seems to be the safe choice but a safe choice can also be only a reaction to our past. Sometimes things seem safe because they are familiar not because they in our best interest."

"You are never going to feel like it, you just have to make yourself do it."

"The first 2 to 3 hours of the day are the best hours for the brain to focus on the tasks or goals that advance your own personal or professional goals."

"There's a principle called Parkinson's Law work expands to whatever time you give it. So give your workday a deadline. A deadline is important for stamina and mental health. It forces you to focus and be serious about taking the break from work."

"When you mind takes you somewhere sad, dark, doubtful, or negative, you do not have to go with it."

"It's ok to be scared. Being scared means you are about to do something really, really brave."

"There will always be someone who cannot see you worth. Don't let that person be you."

"Confidence builds when you do things that affirms your sense of self, particularly when they are things you might not normally do, like getting up on time, speaking in front of your church, or chasing down the CEO of Cisco on bike path. These are acts of everyday courage and they build confidence."

"What I do know is that the first time you do anything, it is going to feel difficult and maybe a little scary. You are going to need a little courage. We are all capable of acting out of character when it serves an important purpose."

"There's no expiration date on discovering and expressing the power of you."

" Don't tell people your dreams, show them."

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."

"Be aware of your financial attitude, this is perhaps the most important tip of all. If you are constantly saying things such as " I am broke" and "I don't have any money." Guess what? That is how you are going to stay."

"if making a relationship last is more important than tending to the things that makes us who we are, we will eventually feel a sense of loss."

"We are in our twenties, not our fifties. These is time to let things evolve in our lives independent of any expectations of comparisons."

"When we are in love, or when want to be in love, we sometimes see the world through rose-colored glasses and don't spot the red flags."

"The more we psych ourselves up and the more we try to control how we get into relationships, the less likely we are to date with ease and the more hangovers we will face. As I've stressed, we need to follow our own dating rules, but our rules cannot be so rigid that we leave no room for fate to intervene."

"The best dating tips I can give you are to have faith and to approach getting what you want in a relationship with a clear sense of your identity and goals."

x. Bessie 

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