Monday 13 August 2018

Deutschland-ING: Day 1

  9th and 10th of August, 2018

I can't believe I have survived a total of 24hr long flight to Frankfurt from the down-under!
I had my flight booked to Abu Dahbi about a 14-hr flight then a short 2hr break until my next flight to Frankfurt which was a 7-hr long flight. I lived through three difference time-zones and my body is absolutely at confusion. Especially in Germany, the sun doesn't set until almost 9pm like how Melbourne is. And my body-clock wants to sleep because in Australia time the daylight is the sleep time. It is utterly strange to talk to my loves in Australia because of the time zone, I shed few tears when I woke up from my broken naps last night because loneliness started to kick in and I suddenly felt sad.

Germany is so beautiful, I am currently living in Flörshiem am Main which is a town in Hesse Germany. Germans are incredibly friendly and helpful. I've received three lovely Germans' help, and funny enough today as I was asking for directions for shops, the German who spoke no English and I speak absolutely the bare minimum German trying to ask for directions, he tried his best to explain to me and I tried my best to understand and but I can only understand a little bit of what he said, then he turned around and walked to his car, started the engine and in German he said," I will take you there." which of course I didn't understand. I know it could be dangerous getting into a stranger's car but he dropped me off at where I wanted to be, I guess it was not that bad!

- 10/8/18: Got a risky free ride to the shopping center - 

Since my arrival in Flörshiem am Main I have been focusing on adjusting my body clock to German time as soon as possible, also I was hoping to get the sleep and rest I have lost in that 24 hr long as flight. After my broken naps, my body aches. Because I don't actually have enough energy to go around Frankfurt yet, today I have been going to the shops and buying groceries to treat myself some locally produced German products. I am actually liking the German markets, because they have so many different sizes for every products, so it is so much easier to buy small amount for myself and not to waste food. And it is ultra eco-friendly, I guess Germans probably have been doing plastic-bag free for ages.
- 10/8/18: Videos of me trying my first German Beer  -


I also had a pleasant experience with German beer, maybe my roommate had given me a good German beer, it was very flavorful and not too bitter nor sweet, but it for sure just tasted better than the ones in Australia.

First cooked meal in Germany!

Just some more photos I took around the town during my morning jog!

- 10/8/18: taking a morning jog around town- 

- 10/8/18: Thoughts on living in Germany- 

p.s. watch this space for more Deutschland-ING
p.p.s. German net is killing me, this post was meant to be out on the 10th but net was so shit I just couldn't upload these photos or load pages, I am low-key struggling, what a first world problem! 



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