Saturday 7 March 2015

A visit to my home country and people day 1-2

It's been almost 6 years since I last saw my rellies and my home country. Having myself grown up in China, 6 years of separations is indeed tough.

Luckily, I finally see my relatives once again. I've had a pretty good visit this time, the only thing i'd wish to change is the length of my visit. I got back around New Year time, so most shops and places were closed for New Year's preparation. TvT.

I arrived at my city at 11pm Beijing time. My uncle and aunt picked me and my grandpa up at the airport. The moment I saw my aunt there's a very strong emotion came right up to my throat. I can almost felt the choke feeling just right before you are about to cry but I held my tears back and squeezed a wide smile. A smile filled with my moist eyes. I turned my head on the other side as my aunt spoke to me :" We've been waiting for an hour now!" I almost gave my tears away the moment my aunt talked to me. I didn't say a word because anything would make me cry so I just listened to my aunt's speech.

It was so good to be back at my old house in China. Surprisingly, I had so much emotions that night. As I lied on the bed, I thought a lot. My old house changed so much or maybe just that I've changed, everything seemed so small, even the sink that I used to find so high,  now only reaches my thigh. I remembered my house was so warm and spacious. However, when I see it again. It was the opposite, so cold and small. Maybe it was because of the weather that this house was so cold. I've ditched this house for way too long. Actually my family have ditched this house for way too long. A house may not mean too much to you but as soon as you no longer have it, you maybe will realize just how silly we are taking things for granted. Every corner, every book, every furniture and every DVD in that old house was filled with a childhood story of me, my brother and even my parents. Everything aged so terribly, even my beloved items have covered in an thick layer of dust.

I used to apply my mascara in front of that mirror while i was in year 8 in China. HAHA rebel much, doing make up at such young age. And that bunch of fake flowers were once my mum's favorite creation. And that TV and TV table had been there since I lived in that house. 

2nd day 

On my second day of arrival my cousin took me to the Xinan Shopping Center. Sadly I didn't get much shopping done and not many shops were open. Xinan shopping center is where to find bargain and cutting down their prices. Me being me, still love to bargaining with the owner because why not? The key to shop in Asia is to bargain as low as possible because they raise the price to an extent where you should bargain, other wise they might be making 300% profit out of an item.  

Apparently, aunt Jumei is my mum's favourite sibling. 

i look cute, aye ?! no ? Alright then. 

After that, my aunt decided to take me to eat some authentic Chinese food. We had the bean curd hot pot with lots of meats and veggies. It's been so long since i last seated in an authentic local Chinese restaurant. I didn't take too much photo on food as i was totally focus on eating, haha, sorry i can't help it.  

P.S. I will only post my photos on this blog, visit my other blog here to found out more photoshoots of China and places I went during my visit.  

look out for more posts on this ;) 

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