Hello, for those who are still reading this blog, I have not been very active. I know I am still yet to finish my travel entries from 2018 exchange. Good news, ya'll I have graduated finally. I took a refresher and read my 2020, as per usual, things have really taken a big turn, perhaps a little too big this year for all of us around the globe.
I am that person who has the worst memory ( I probably said it way too many times here) and I tend not to sweat on a lot of small things in life. I don't really hold grudges against anyone about anything. It probably is not a valid reason for my shitty memory. I am going to use few photos to help me remember what happened in 2020. Don't you worry, COVID19 is something I sure will keep in my memory and to tell my grand kids in the future.
I am extremely grateful to live in Australia during the outbreak of COVID19 and especially being in Brisbane, I have only gone into a few lock-downs with access to all of the essential shopping needs. I didn't have to wear masks all of the time, and things have gone back to pre-COVID as of the time of this blog entry. Although we do need to check in to everywhere we go and keeping a social distance. Compare to what's around the globe with this pandemic I am thankful and hopeful for the future.
Upon my decision to change into Finance, as I have mentioned in my 2020 post. I studied 4 finance units for a semester and realized it was not for me surely. I did not enjoyed using the math formulas and too much calculations. I dropped out and changed back to HRM in the second semester and graduated in December 2020.
At the beginning of 2020, I was very much fitness focused and kept going to gym religiously. Below is a photo of me being motivated as all us would in the beginning of a new year. It's also worth to mention Cooper's fur coat was at his longest before he got a hideous cut.
A masked selfie, 2020 |
I call this the dog-chained look. One of my favorite jewellery piece. |
May was baby CooCoo's month. He's such a big boy by May, he was one year old. I didn't bother to make him a cake or anything, because there is not a must tradition in this household to celebrate birthday gloriously. He just had a nicely made collage from me.
from a tiny pupper to a big boiii |
the sexy thing |
More retail therapy |
The hairoin retreat challenge was going really well, my hair was growing! |
Cutie pies |
Cough cough* got myself a cute Chloe bag <3 |
Hiking was allowed during this pandemic but Cooper was 'unCOOPERrative' |
Self-love at it's finest form, got so many flowers for myself during 2020. I also decided to challenge myself so I got a bang again. The bang look was trendy and doing a very huge comeback. Truth to be told I am too lazy for a bang.
The Pandora Crew is reunited. Ray finally got back from China or should I say escaped from China because he wanted to be safe in Australia. Anyways, good news that he's back so we drove to the coast and met up with Emma, who we both hadn't seen for so long.
one of my favourite, flower purchase |
The highlight of August was definitely that Ikea made my dream come true to own an arc floor lamp at a fraction of the price. Absolutely in love.
It's funny to say that I feel like I have been slowly growing more into a woman. I have always drawn to artsy hipster and cool girl vibe during my early years. Now I slowly found myself becoming more of a lady.
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becoming a lady with Lady Dior |
No I have not grown out of my obsession for shopping or for bags. I have no self-control as you probably can see. Anyways below are two dresses I have fallen in love with at the first sight. I fell for a very expensive BV bag too but my bank said 'don't be stupid, you are broke'. So I just took a photo of it instead.
At November, I finally reached the length I was hoping to get with my hair challenge. Not leaving my hair alone for a single second, I went ahead and dyed it lighter then few days after I dyed it back to a way-too-dark brown as I was hoping to tone the brassiness down a bit with my own hands. Of course, It didn't turned out as I was expecting. Then I got a haircut to cut off some of the weight comes with this long black hair.
I definitely do not feel like black hair, not vibing at all. |
I had my graduation in December. Prior to graduation I felt nothing, I felt indifferent to this graduation. It took way longer than I'd anticipated, I lost all of the feelings for it. I finally got to wear the little black dress I purchased in 2019 for my 'planned graduation' and things took a turn. Funny enough, as soon as I put on my graduation gown, I was PUMPED, EXCITED and got all sorts of emotions I was not feeling before.
I did it, I took CooCoo to my graduation <3. |
all of friends who came got me bouquets of flowers so I had so many after this graduation. But this one has to be my favourite, so much thought and generosity goes into this special bunch. |
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I told you Cooper has got cuter |
What I got for Secret Santa Kmart/Tiktok edition. |
Few things I've learned in 2020
1. Reach out to people more
People are so much nicer and willing to help than you think. I always feel weird to ask for help or reach out to people who are accomplished in their career. It's the feeling of I don't have much to offer stops me from asking. At the end of the day, it's all about exchanging values, you might actually have something they want in the future and people are constantly building their network. It is up to people to say yes to your request. You just have to ask. It is such a crucial step to expanding network and put yourself into a industry you might be interested in.
2. Don't burn bridges
I strongly advocate for civil and professional ending with your ex-employer. Don't quit on bad terms, I bet everyone has talked about that so many times. You never know when you might need this person's help again, and having spent so long with your ex-workplace, they can help you reaching your next career goal, a reference check will be unavoidable. Be sure to have a good reputation and be a decent human.
3. You can't avoid shitty workplace
Let's be honest, not everyone who is at the management role knows how to do their job right. Some people at the role because they have been with the company for a decade, some know how to to do the talking, and some worked really hard to get there. You just have to deal with it, that you are working under a not-so-capable boss. No one is perfect, of course you boss may not be that perfect leader you imagined. If you didn't do enough research before you jump into a role, that's your loss. We often like to worsen the situation, step back and look at the situation it may not be as bad as you think. It is a disaster to have incapable boss but at the same time it is good, it will allow you to be more assertive and independent in your work style. It is frustrating when you don't get guidance but there are resources you could utilize online that could provide the guidance necessary to complete your task. If the workplace is really that bad then change, go look for something else that could better match your career plan. Don't bad mouth anyone or put yourself in a negative working environment, it is not worth it.
4. You ask for what you want
How many of people are like me, feel hesitant to ask for what you want in life. I feel that I am not worthy in life. Ever wondered why some people get ahead in life without having half of the amazing qualities you have? Because they ask for what they want. I've learned to do that, to negotiate and to ask for what I deserve and desire.
As for this year, I am excited to see COVID vaccines to roll out in Australia and state borders to slowly open up again. I want to finally enjoy my weekend and seeing the person I wanted to see the most more this year.
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