Wadddd up my friends ! It's officially winter in Australia ! I hope you guys all have taken good care of yourselves and remember to stay warm for this winter!
This is the last part of my travel diary ! Hooray ! LOL it takes me like 3 months to write them all out. haha
So continue from previous one, I stayed at my big aunty's house and town for like 3 days (LOL I think). Then I decided to go back to Guiyang with my uncle Er with his car. But before that, my aunty and cousin said they will take me around Wengan a bit more before I leave it for Guiyang. So they took me to this historical place of soldiers who fought during wars.
this is the outside of the place and i think it is a newly built tourist attraction too ?
got my niece Xin again ! isn't she lovely ?
LOL, my friend thought that I have a daughter. LMAO do i really look like a mother that much ?
since it's like my personal blog i didn't even bother to adjust the photo , so yeah, i look really yellow. I think maybe its the hair or just the lighting isn't doing its job. Oh, I was holding the hawthorn sugar stick and we call it Tanghulu in Chinese, which is a stick of hawthorn berries that are coated with brown sugar. So when you eat it , it gives a crunch and sweet and sour taste. I actually love it now, i don't use to tho. I guess it reminds me a taste of my hometown and childhood too and therefore, i loved it.
" take a good photo for me cousin !". "sure." said my cousin. LOL where's the good photo ?
I dont't even wanna judge on their behaviors, seriously can ya'll just be more civilized and not to pollute the water with your rubbishes?
she is such a cutie pie ( I am hungry jksss)
well, if you have ever been to Asia then you'd know about this game. You paid to get those loops then what you need to do is to throw them and try to aim the products that you want, if it lands perfect on the object then you will get them for free. Too bad i suck at this , didn't even get anything afterall. ;L
Then we went to another tourist attraction called Si Lin which literally meant - a rock forest
A pretty cool places too but only if all the tourists were a little bit more civilized and well-behaved too. There were so many rubbish on the ground. It was a really nice place but tourists' inappropriate behaviors pretty much have ruined the place and ruined the reputation of the city too.
so yeah, that concluded most of my two weeks stay in China. After I went back to Guiyang I met up with my high school friends, and my cousin for dinner at her house!
Stay warm !
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