DISCLAIMER**I have noticed this particular post of mine had gained some special attention. I want to let everyone who are currently reading this post know that this is post I've written to share my experience with the double eyelid Asian Beauty Tools (double eyelid tapes, glues and fiber etc.) This is not a prescription of guaranteed results, for anyone who is interested in trying with what I did, further researches may be necessary and each individual is different, your experience and results may vary to what I have specified in this post. Please always do you own research before deciding on which beauty tools you want to use and the implications of it all. **
Anyways, no more house keeping, let's get into it.
I've always had uneven eyelids on each side of my eyes. My left one is a monolid and my right is naturally double eyelid. And occasionally my left eyelid turns into double one for no apparent reason but it only stays for less than few days before I have my uneven eyelids again. So I decided to try double eyelid tapes when I didn't even plan to have my left eyelid fixed or whatsoever, I was purely hoping to make it double temporarily but for some odd reason it worked, my left eyelid has actually turned double permanently.
Here's a comparison photo of my before and after photo with no aid of double eyelid tape.
I only had one eye with double lid as you can see, my left eye was monolid. Firstly, the products I've tried include double eyelid tapes, double eyelid fibers, double-sided sticky eyelid tapes and eyelid glue. The only one that really worked is the double eyelid tapes.
Double eyelid tapes
Just in case, you didn't know what eyelid tapes are, there are some pic from internet. It's just a eyelid-shaped tape that you use to stick on your eyelids, so there's a force that pushes the eyelids upwards. Oh there are like two types of them, thin and thick tapes. The thick one gives more wide eyelids like this
notice the diameter of the tape are slightly bigger than the thin one?
Here is the regular one (thin)
Double-sided sticky eyelid tapes
The only difference between this one and the normal tape, is that it's sticky on both sides, so when you use it the lids will be forcibly push together with adherence and create a thin eyelids line.
Double eyelid glue
As the name suggested, it is literally a glue but it's not like the regular glue, its made just for your lids so its much safer to use on eyes. However, personally I really don't like to use eyelids glue. Again it is forcibly push you lids together. Every time, i use it , i feel like there is someone holding up my lids for me and if you did too much, adhere too much of your lids, you can't even close you eyes properly (not kidding--> just some user reviews on soompi forum

There's a little fork inside that tube of glue, you just simply brush it on and let it to get a little bit dry. And you push your lids up with the fork to get the shape you want it. Again , I don't like this one. It's temporary and apparently, if you use it too much, you lids will get so loose and saggy.
Double eyelids fibers
I don't know why they call this fiber because it's just some plastic sticky stretchy thing that you stretch to the length you want and apply some force to it and push it into your lids. Then you cut the ends. This one is almost invisible and light-wear. My second favorite over all!
Speaking from personal experience: Here's how
First of all, determine what types of monolid you have : whether if its loose and saggy, or puffy and fatty.
For loose type of monolids, the best one to use, it's definitely the double-sided tape and the thick double eyelid tapes. This is because, when you use double sided eyelid tapes, your lids tend to create more folds than the puffy eyes. And apparently, your skin has memory, so once you do it for a long time, you will get all these tiny folds on your lids which create forces to push your lids upwards. And then you can use the normal eyelid tape to create the shape you wanted for your lids.
For puffy type of monolid, not gonna lie, this type it's actually quite hard to create the lid, but if you have tried before and got the double eyelids. Please do tell me because I am interested to know what method you've used ;). The products thats best to use are the fibers, glue and regular eyelid tapes. First of all, you should keep using the fibers and glues to create some sorts of marks on your lids/ or folds, for few weeks before you started to use the tape.
My eyelid is quite loose, so I ended up using many products because I didn't know what would work at the time. But the one that had permanent effect it's the normal eyelid tapes.
Step by step methods:
1. Using tape 24/7 for 4 weeks.
I literally used tapes for a very long time, even more than 4 weeks, I wear the tapes to sleep and when I wake up, I change the tape. Just change whenever, you feel like there's need to do so. cos sometimes, it might get sweaty. And remember to use that fork like tools to smooth and even your lids over and over gain before apply the tape. But do not overdo so, cos it might cause irritation.
2. Switch tapes to a different type (e.g. fibers )
I switched mine from tapes to fibers and then back to tapes after few weeks. And then after that, I still kept using both for a very long time as well.
3. Be patient, the results don't show quickly. Double eyelids tape creates doublelids for you temporarily but it can create folds of your eyelid at least that's where i got my folds from, so if you want to have double eyelids permanently without using any more of the tapes then you just have to be patient.
Yeah, that's basically what I did to get double eyelids, hope ya'll found this helpful, leave comments if you want to ask something. ;D