Wednesday 12 June 2024


My partner and I, both of our birthdays are in April, so this year we wanted to do something together for both of our birthday. Also our anniversary is in May which is also very close to April. April this year was so busy with a major wedding. 

29 marks the third year I have been living in Melbourne and also my partner and I's 3rd year together. We wanted to do something nice for ourselves. So we indulged with a head to toe Japanese massage finished with a facial. It was two and half hours of pampering and massage. 

We ate a lot of food as well. I didn't take photo of all of the foods we ate because after the entry was served, when the main was on we were both too eager to start. 

We had a staycation in Dorsett Melbourne for one night, we did some swimming and sauna. It was really good for the weather, it has been a while since I last swum. I discovered that I can actually float on my back, that was cool. (I think?). At least now I know I won't die if I just keep calm and focus on floating. 

On the way back home, I've noticed those beautiful yellow trees. Those yellow happy colours to battle Melbourne Winter.

We booked, the Diva Garden room with Dorsett, which is right outside of the art installation by artist Marta Figueiredo. I wanted to take a photo of when it's all lit up but I was too late when I got back to the hotel room, the lights for the installation was off.

Little boogie never hurts no body 

This was the Entree from Frejya in Melbourne. 


How the time has changed! Probably no one is still keeping or reading blogs, hence, I slacked off on checking in with my blog. 

Here is very late what I did for my 28th birthday. I can't believe I am saying that. In fact, as I write, I am actually 29 now. Don't worry, I promise that post is also coming. 

28 marks the second year of living in Melbourne. Things go so slowly but so fast. I felt lonely, happy and sad. I guess the older I get the more I felt about things and people around me. Looking back I thought I know about myself, I didn't. I still probably don't understand fully about myself. I know I will constantly change and that's probably the most certain thing I know about myself. 

For my 28th birthday, I went to Melbourne's Luna park. Not being born nor raised in Melbourne, I've always wanted to visit the Luna park. People have told me they are mainly for children not adults. I didn't care, I just want to visit it for at once. Probably not the best theme park but I am not disappointed. 


Honestly, I didn't know why I wanted a photo with this flower? 

Fresh set of sparkling SNS nails 

Wednesday 5 July 2023


2022 was a mix of feelings. It was the best first year living in Melbourne, and it was the first year I lived with my partner. Things were going fast and I had so much different feelings throughout the years. I was at one stage so overwhelmed and stressed about life. But at the same time, I've had the most relaxing and care-free year. I loved 2022. We created a home for us and Coopey. 

I was introduced to all of his friends and things got a little bit overwhelming for me. I felt small, lost and hard to fit in.  I felt socially awkward and under achieved. I had all sorts of feelings about myself, I was extremely conscious. For a little moment, I didn't know why I was feeling this way. Then I realised it was all part of growth and changes I am going through. 

2022 was amazing, I was loved and looked after. My partner's family took me and really too care of me as if I am already their daughter in law. This made me realised why my partner was the warmest person I've ever met, that is all because of the way he was brought up. I appreciate a lot about him. 

I am going to keep this short and sweet, because it is not a year in review post. In 2022, I turned 27 and it was the first year I celebrated my birthday with a partner. He surprised me with a big bouquet of flowers, I woke up to it the next day and got my favorite pair of Swarvorski earrings. We also went Paint and Sip as our fortnightly date night idea. 

I have to say I really enjoy having a partner and doing things together. He allows me to be myself in this relationship completely and he comforts me when I cry like a child. In the first time in forever, I felt like I can cry like a child. 

Here are some photos until April 2022. I have a terrible memory so it will much easier for me to recall and tell you what happened during April 2022. 


I was strolling after my birthday waiting for my partner to pick me up

We had a group of us who all have one thing in common that is we all lived in Brisbane and moved to Melbourne. It was such a cosy night we had.

27 never looked better.

R and I also went to Sip and Paint, guess which one is mine?

Chandon for the important occasions such as my Birthday :)

My lovely friends got me this for my birthday.

I felt so spoiled with my bouquet from R <3

This was during the night noodle market

Random street mirror photo with Coop near where I live.

An afternoon moment

Wedding Shenanigans

A splash of colour

Chandon Trip with smokey eyes, accidentally got too heavy handed again

Teppanyaki visit

Yarra Valley Delish

I am healing with my butterfly

Photo by Fleur on Unsplash Few days after you left me, I have realised something, I lost me and I need to do something. A but...